What Will The “New Normal” Look Like For Shippers?



01.28.2021 | Uncategorized | James Cunningham

What Will The “New Normal” Look Like For Shippers?

As vaccines begin rolling out and more of the population can return to normal life, it’s time to start preparing for post-COVID reality and the new normal. From a logistics prospective, that new normal may be less hectic than 2020 but it almost certainly will not be a return to pre-COVID life. As Forbes’ Shama Hyder stated:

“While social distancing may conclude soon, the psychological impact of the pandemic on consumers around the world will be permanent.  This presents a lot of new opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs. Ecommerce niches that historically had low traction may now become lucrative playing fields. For example, consumers will think about sanitation in a completely different way, likely fueling the demand for products focused on keeping individuals safe from future outbreaks.”

PCF is aware of the shifting ecommerce market and has invested in the technology and facility upgrades to face these challenges head on.

As we push through our “new normal” regional final mile providers  like PCF will impact the future, offering more flexibility and enhanced customer experiences for their clients. PCF has the infrastructure to grow with its clients without implementing processes that can hinder the long-term success of a growing business. With brick and mortar retailers projecting to convert from majority in store shopping to 50% ecommerce this year, the need for regionals becomes ever more present.

Regionals aren’t just offering better rates, they’re offering security. In a year that was difficult for all businesses, limits on shipping volume and price hikes impacted many businesses and the temporary surcharges are beginning to look more permanent by the day. Extending pricing which avoids a January GRI “General Rate Increase” is a part of the PCF model that continues to work in favor of the customer.

The new normal may be uncertain and intimidating to many but at PCF we look forward to the challenge. Preparation and transparency with our customers excites us in  looking forward to 2021 and beyond. Again, wishing you a successful start to the year.

– PCF Team

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